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Personvernerklæring for Evondos AS register over kundeopplysninger

1. Registerets navn

Evondos AS register over kundeopplysninger

2. Behandlingsansvarlig

Evondos AS
Org.nr. 914212936
Gaustadalleen 21
0349 Oslo

3. Den behandlingsansvarliges representant for dette registeret

Jan Arne Jakobsen
Tlf. +47 916 51 375

4. Personvernombudets kontaktopplysninger

Ville Haavisto
Tlf. +358 40 820 4968


5. Formålet med og rettsgrunnlaget for behandling av personopplysningene

Formålet med behandlingen av personopplysningene er å håndtere kundeforhold og -opplysninger.

6. Registerets innhold

Registeret inneholder følgende personopplysninger som er nødvendige for å kunne utføre salgsarbeidet.

  • Navn, kjønn, arbeidsgiver
  • Kontaktinformasjon: telefonnummer, e-postadresse
  • Tittel
  • Kommunikasjon mellom personen og Evondos som er relevant for å opprettholde kundeforholdet

7. Alminnelige kilder til informasjon

Vi mottar personopplysninger direkte fra de registrerte, og vi kan bruke kunders eller potensielle kunders eller potensielle kunders offentlige nettsider til å innhente kontaktinformasjon. Andre informasjonskilder kan brukes dersom det er i overensstemmelse med gjeldende lovgivning.

8. Regelmessige mottakere av personopplysninger

Vi behandler informasjon selv og bruker underleverandører som behandler personopplysninger på vegne av og for oss når de leverer tjenester til oss. Slike underleverandører er ikke berettiget til å bruke personopplysninger til andre formål enn til å levere tjenester til oss.

9. Dataoverføring utenfor EU og EØS

Vi overfører personopplysninger utenfor EU/EØS til USA. Vi har iverksatt egnede sikkerhetstiltak i forbindelse med overføringen. Mottakeren som behandler personopplysninger, er sertifisert etter EU-US Privacy Shield-rammeverket, eller vi bruker EUs standardkontrakter.

10. Informasjonssikkerhetstiltak og datalagringsperioder

Personopplysninger om kunder og potensielle kunder lagres i et kontrollert CRM-system. Tilgang til systemet er sikret med passord. Opplysninger om henholdsvis kunder og potensielle kunder, er atskilt i systemet. Det er kun et begrenset antall personer som har tilgang på personopplysingene i registeret, avhengig av hvorvidt de har et ansvarsområde som krever at de behandler slike opplysninger. Alle som har tilgang til opplysningene i registeret, har taushetsplikt.

Personopplysninger lagres så lenge det er nødvendig å behandle dem, og i henhold til lagringstid spesifisert i gjeldende lovverk, for eksempel lovverk og forskrifter som gjelder revisjon og skatt. Personopplysinger slettes senest tre år etter at behovet for å behandle dem har opphørt.

Vi vurderer behovet for datalagring løpende, blant annet i lys av gjeldende lovverk. I tillegg tar vi passende grep for å sikre at ingen inkompatible, foreldede eller uriktige personopplysninger lagres i registeret, tatt i betraktning formålet med behandlingen av dataene. Vi korrigerer eller sletter denne type data umiddelbart.

11. Den registrertes rettigheter

Som registrert har du rett til innsyn i personopplysninger om deg selv som lagres i registeret, og du har rett på å kreve at opplysningene korrigeres eller slettes. Du har også rett til å trekke tilbake eller endre ditt samtykke.

Som registrert har du i henhold til EUs personvernforordning (gjeldende fra 25.mai 2018) rett til å nekte at personopplysninger blir behandlet, eller kreve at behandling av slike opplysninger begrenses, og til å klage til ansvarlig tilsynsmyndighet for behandling av personopplysninger. Slik anmodning skal leveres personlig eller skriftlig via e-post til representanten spesifisert i avsnitt 3.

Den registrerte har rett til å klage til relevant tilsynsmyndighet med hensyn til behandling av personopplysninger. Kontaktopplysninger til tilsynsmyndigheten finnes på følgende nettside www.datatilsynet.no

12. Endringer i personvernpolicyen

Dersom vi foretar endringer i personvernpolicyen legger vi den endrede personvernpolicyen ut på nettsidene våre og indikerer endringsdato. Hvis endringene er betydelige, kan det tenkes at vi også informerer deg på andre måter, for eksempel ved å sende en e-post eller legge ut notat på hjemmesiden vår. Vi anbefaler deg å lese gjennom personvernpolicyen fra tid til annen for å gjøre deg kjent med eventuelle endringer som er blitt gjort.



Evondos Oy job applicant data register privacy statement

1. Name of the register

Evondos Oy job applicant personal data register

2. Data Controller

Evondos Oy
Business ID 2175820-8
Salorankatu 5-7
24240 Salo

3. Data Controller’s representative for this register

Hanna Chiorazzo
Tel. +358 50 326 3588

4. The contact details of the data protection officer

Ville Haavisto
Tel. +358 40 820 4968

5. The purpose and the legal basis for processing the personal data

The purpose of the processing of personal data is actions related to the recruitment process including management of the recruitment process, enabling contacts regarding application and selection process from persons (data subjects) who have applied for the positions.

6. Information content of the register

We process the following personal data of the job applicants or other data subjects in connection with the job applicant register:

  • Basic information of the data subject such as name*
  • Contact information of the data subject such as email address*, phone number*, home address*;
  • Information regarding the position applied for such as information of the position in question including information of the nature and type of the employment relationship and information of the contact persons designated for the application process;
  • Other information that the data subject has provided of himself, his background etc. in connection with the application process, such as a picture, study and other educational information, work history, language skills, other special skills, description of personal features, different certificates and ratings;
  • Information regarding the recruitment process of the data subject such as information of upcoming further interviews or of the interruption of the recruitment process;
  • Other possible information that the data subject himself has provided voluntarily in connection with the recruitment process or information that the controller has collected based on a separate consent of the data subject.

Providing the information marked with a star* is a requirement for us to be able to move forward in the application process.

7. Regular information sources

We receive data primarily from:

  • the data subject himself
  • recruitment companies
  • other similar reliable sources

8. Regular recipients of the personal data

  • We do not regularly disclose information to external parties.
  • We process information ourselves and use subcontractors that process personal data on behalf of and for us e.g. We have outsourced the IT-management to an external service provider, to whose server the data is stored. The server is protected and managed by the external service provider.

9. Data transfers outside the EU and EEA

We transfer personal data outside of EU/EEA to USA. We have taken care of suitable safeguards for
the transfer. Either the recipient that is processing personal data is certified under EU-US Privacy
Shield framework or we use standard contractual clauses accepted by EU.

10. Data Security measures and the periods for storing data

Only those of our employees, who on behalf of their work are entitled to process job applicants data, are entitled to use a system containing personal data. Each user has a personal username and password to the system. The information is collected into databases that are protected by firewalls, passwords and other technical measures. The databases and the backup copies of them are in locked premises and can be accessed only by certain pre-designated persons.

The data is stored for the duration of recruitment process in question and for two years after the open position has been fulfilled.

11. Data subject’s rights

Data subject has the right in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation to request from the data controller access to and rectification or erasure of data subject’s personal data or restriction of processing concerning the data subject and object to processing. Such requests shall be delivered personally or in writing by email to the representative identified in section 3.

Data subject has the right to lodge a complaint to supervisory authority relating to processing of personal data. The contact details of the supervisory authority can be found at www.tietosuoja.fi.

12. Changes in the Privacy Policy

Should we make amendments to this privacy protection statement, we will place the amended statement on our website, with an indication of the amendment date. If the amendments are significant, we may also inform you about this by other means, for example by sending an email or placing a bulletin on our homepage. We recommend that you review these privacy protection principles from time to time to ensure you are aware of any amendments made.



Evondos Oy Supplier data register privacy policy

1. Name of the register

Evondos Oy Supplier data register

2. Data Controller

Evondos Oy
Business ID 2175820-8
Salorankatu 5-7
24240 Salo

3. Data Controller’s representative for this register

Satu Syrjänen
Tel. + 358 50 4441744

4. The contact details of the data protection officer

Ville Haavisto
Tel. +358 40 820 4968

5. The purpose and the legal basis for processing the personal data

The legal basis for the processing of the personal data is the company’s justified interest on the basis of a supplier relationship or other appropriate connection with the supplier. Further, processing is necessary for the performance of the contract to which the data subject is a party.

The purpose of processing the personal data is managing the Supplier relationship and for the following purposes:

  • to manage and maintain supplier information and supplier relationship
  • implementation of contracts
  • traceability of certain components or deliveries
  • handling reclamations / reject reports
  • planning and development of data controller’s Sourcing and Procurement operations

6. Information content of the register

Register contains following personal data that are necessary for the Sourcing and Procurement operations:

  • contact information; Supplier (company) name
  • contact person(s) name and title, phone number, email address, address

7. Regular information sources

The source of information stored in the register is in general the supplier’s contact person in question. Other information sources may be used as permitted by the applicable legislation.

8. Regular recipients of the personal data

Personal Data will be disclosed as permitted and required by the applicable legislation to those data controller’s service providers or subcontractors who need information for data controller’s Sourcing and Procurement activities.

Personal Data may be processed by Evondos group companies.

9. Data transfers outside the EU and EEA

Personal data will not be transferred outside the EU or EEA.

10. Data Security measures and the periods for storing data

The data is stored in data systems that have technical ways of ensuring the data protection and monitoring the processing of the data. The data systems are access controlled.  The right to access the data in the register is limited to certain persons and to the extent their work duties require processing of the data. Any person accessing the data in the register is bound by a confidentiality obligation.

Personal data is stored for as long the purpose of processing personal data requires, considering the storage times specified in the applicable legislation and regulations, such as accounting and taxation legislation and regulations. Personal data is erased not later than three years after the need for processing has expired.

We estimate regularly the need for data storage taking into account the applicable legislation. In addition, we take care of such reasonable actions of which purpose is to ensure that no incompatible, outdated or inaccurate personal data is stored in the register taking into account the purpose of the processing. We correct or erase such data without delay.

11. Data subject’s rights

Data subject has the right in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation to request from the data controller access to and rectification or erasure of data subject’s personal data or restriction of processing concerning the data subject and object to processing. Such requests shall be delivered personally or in writing by email to the representative identified in section 3.

Data subject has the right to lodge a complaint to supervisory authority relating to processing of personal data. The contact details of the supervisory authority can be found at www.tietosuoja.fi.

12. Changes in the Privacy Statement

Should we make amendments to this privacy statement, we will place the amended statement on our website, with an indication of the amendment date. If the amendments are significant, we may also inform you about this by other means, for example by sending an email or placing a bulletin on our homepage. We recommend that you review these privacy protection principles from time to time to ensure you are aware of any amendments made.